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Essential Skills for Success in Health And Social Care Diploma 3 (17)


Health And Social Care Diploma 3

The Health and Social Care Diploma Level 3 is a comprehensive program designed to prepare individuals for rewarding careers in the healthcare and social services sectors. This diploma offers in-depth training in various aspects of health and social care, including patient care, communication skills, and understanding healthcare systems. With a focus on practical skills and theoretical knowledge, graduates are well-equipped to provide high-quality care to individuals in need. This course opens doors to a wide range of career opportunities in healthcare, nursing, social work, and more. Join this program to make a meaningful impact on the well-being of others and embark on a fulfilling career in the healthcare industry.

Essential Skills for Success in Health And Social Care Diploma 3

Essential Skills for Success in Health And Social Care Diploma 3

Health and Social Care Diploma 3 is a comprehensive program that equips individuals with the necessary skills to succeed in the healthcare industry. Below are some important statistics related to the essential skills covered in this diploma:

Skills Statistics
Communication 85% of employers consider communication skills essential
Empathy 90% of patients value empathy in healthcare professionals
Teamwork 70% of healthcare tasks require teamwork
Problem-solving 60% of healthcare professionals use problem-solving skills daily

Skills Covered:



The programme is available in 2 duration modes:

    • 6 months
    • 9 months
Entry requirements

In order to apply you should have either:

    • No formal qualification required

Course content

    1. **Introduction to Health and Social Care**:
       - Gain an overview of the healthcare and social services sector, its history, and key principles.

    2. **Safeguarding and Protecting Vulnerable Individuals**:
       - Learn how to recognize and respond to signs of abuse, ensuring the safety of those in your care.

    3. **Communication Skills in Health and Social Care**:
       - Develop effective communication techniques to interact with clients, colleagues, and healthcare professionals.

    4. **Human Development and Growth**:
       - Explore the stages of human development and how they impact health and social care practices.

    5. **Mental Health and Well-being**:
       - Understand mental health disorders, their causes, and strategies for promoting mental well-being.

    6. **Healthcare Ethics and Legislation**:
       - Study ethical principles and legal frameworks governing healthcare and social services.

    7. **Supporting Individuals with Specific Needs**:
       - Learn to provide specialized care to individuals with diverse needs, including disabilities and chronic illnesses.

    8. **Health Promotion and Disease Prevention**:
       - Explore strategies for promoting health and preventing illnesses in various populations.

    9. **Working in Teams and Collaboration**:
       - Develop teamwork and collaboration skills crucial for effective healthcare delivery.

    10. **Assessment and Care Planning**:
        - Gain expertise in conducting assessments and creating care plans tailored to individual needs.

    11. **End-of-Life Care and Palliative Support**:
        - Learn about end-of-life care principles, including pain management and emotional support.

    12. **Clinical Practice and Work-Based Learning**:
        - Apply your knowledge and skills through hands-on clinical experiences in healthcare settings.

    13. **Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care**:
        - Explore leadership strategies and management principles within the healthcare and social services context.

    14. **Research Methods and Evidence-Based Practice**:
        - Understand research methods and how evidence-based practice informs decision-making.

    15. **Health and Social Care Policy**:
        - Study healthcare policies and their impact on service delivery, funding, and access.

    16. **Professional Development and Career Planning**:
        - Plan your career path and explore opportunities for further education and specialization.

    These units provide a comprehensive foundation in health and social care, preparing students for diverse roles in the field and promoting effective, compassionate care.


Assessment is via assignment submission

Fee structure

The fee for the programme is as follows:

    • 6 months - Accelerated mode @ GBP £1250
    • 9 months - Standard mode @ GBP £950
Fee payment plans

The programme offers following fee payment plans:

    6 months programme
    ● Payment option (a): GBP £416 x 3 monthly instalments
    ● Payment option (b): GBP £1187.50 x 1 instalment (We offer 5% bursary on total fee for students opting to pay in full)

    9 months programme
    ● Payment option (c): GBP £190 x 5 monthly instalments
    ● Payment option (d): GBP £475 x 2 quarterly instalments
    ● Payment option (e): GBP £902.50 x 1 instalment (We offer 5% bursary on total fee for students opting to pay in full)

For detailed information, we kindly advise you to chat with our admissions team.

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